Write about the funniest experience you have ever had ?


Write about the funniest experience you have ever had

Generally, everyone has said it at some point. But it still happened to me. While out to dinner I suddenly woke up in the dark. Forget all the inconveniences and trying to write a story. Just like any other human, it is hard to not enjoy those glorious moments. That, in my opinion, is why writing, and comics in general, are so popular as a hobby.

Writing is fun. Writing is fun. The fun part is one thing that I write about in my routine, but never really joke about myself. Writing and comics can be said as “life” to me. As an introvert, I guess everyone understands this. Whenever I have a chance to work on a story, forget other hobbies or responsibilities, instead, I write. With it, I tend to find it just about entertaining. If you don’t like work, I never really did. But it still helps. When I would get home, I would get a whole notebook full of notebook covers, ideas, drafts, brainstorming, recommendations, editing, and so on. There was nothing I wouldn’t bring home to read later, such as a sketchpad or ink-bottle packing tape. Everything to get them away from me.

Writing outside became a fun activity. My family would go out but I was just too shy to do it. It was the easiest thing I could do. Instead, I would get up at dawn, write about the day to come, think about pictures, and just enjoy the activities with everyone around me. I’m happy to say that I still read books from time to time. I just mostly write, observe, and attend my dad’s garage services. For any other hobby, I do have a hard time beating that idea. But writing is a complete understanding. Another good aspect of writing would definitely be keeping things simple. There is still so much variety and creativity, even if they can be difficult. For instance, I would like to write about my new car. It is in California right now and I do have friends in the state. It can be difficult to write as I am just trying to figure it out. Writing and reading while trying to learn about things that really cannot be accomplished easily. And I mean really simple, just a car. However, it did catch my attention and made me think that maybe I should start producing more stories. If you want to write just like me I would recommend articles and internet articles to read before writing.

People are always trying to write and read articles. Because they're sad and are writing in a diary. I personally like to write about my cars and cats and there is a poem in English or Chinese that reads like “Workers and Games”. Of course, I also like to write about practical stuff like how the best medicine is healing, which is important as everyone knows how healthy people are healthier. I will never be a fan of medicine and am too shy to do any brain surgery. So, but it doesn’t mean that I won’t write about poetry or include writing projects. It is good to include work projects, brainstorm with people and get advice from the article. It is fun to write and read as they take us out of our comfort zone.

Writing comics is always very interesting. For that, you have to try your hardest to keep yourself out of those situations that are on the tip of your tongue. Writing and drawing comics allows me to let my mind take me to places you can't get to the story in less than two paragraphs. It doesn't necessarily mean that I have trouble writing. I need to write about something that I am obsessed about. To me, writing, and other things, like hiding under the table or in different places are hobbies. This is why you see my mom ask me when I was a kid to write her a story. I'm an introvert by nature, so she would put her fingers and fingers on the table and write just to write. It doesn't mean I understand it. For me, it is just a habit, but the habit makes me write whenever I catch myself writing in an analytical way. Knowing how to write a story or comic is not something that is easy for me. I'm sad to say that it is best that you become an introvert and that you give yourself just a chance to write about a boring day. That’s why you see my mom asks me my quirky jokes all the time. I guess that is the truth. Go with the flow, it allows you to take a break.

My writing love is creating a story. It helps to be an introvert. It is fun to walk into the dark and enjoy yourself with no one around. Writing can be a great hobby for introverts, but only if they give it a shot. It is like a drug for the souls.

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